Hiroshima Summer School (HSS) is organized by Organizing Committee for Hiroshima Summer School, Standing Committee of Human Rights and Peace (SCORP-Japan). This is an official project of IFMSA-Japan, which has started since 2004. We invite medical students all over the world to Hiroshima and offer the opportunities to learn the damege caused of Atomic bomb from many viewpoints.
Chugoku Shimbun No.1 : "Medical students from Japan and overseas make presentations on peace building" (2010)
Chugoku Shimbun No. 2 : "Medical students from Japan and abroad visit nursing home for A-bomb survivors" (2009)
Chugoku Shimbun No.3: "Medical students from Japan and 7 nations exchange views on nuclear issues in Hiroshima" (2009)
Chugoku Shimbun No.4: "medical students gather in Hiroshima to examine the scars of war " (2008)
IFMSA Project Bulletin 9 (March 2011)
4th Hiroshima Summer Schoo l(2009) :The Japan Foundation, Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation
5th Hiroshima Summer School (2010) : Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation
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